It is important to backup all of the elements in
your Exchange Server
environment to ensure disaster
recoverability. Backup for Workgroups can backup all of the elements in your Exchange Server environment, providing you with the
ability to restore your Exchange Server. When you are backing up your Exchange Server environment, you need to
make sure that each computer that contributes to Exchange is backed up. Your Exchange Server and computers running Active Directory/Domain
Controllers each need an account at the Backup Server to ensure recoverability.
Microsoft Exchange Server application
Active Directory or Domain Controller data; and
The complete computer(s) running Exchange Server and Active Directory and/or Domain Controller(s).
The Backup Client software contains a built-in add-on that interacts with your Exchange Server to perform backups without stopping the Exchange services. When the backup begins, the Backup Client interacts with Exchange to create a list of the current Exchange database files and their corresponding log files. The Backup Client proceeds to backup the database and log files provided by Exchange.
The Exchange log files are automatically purged at the end of the backup process.
The backup is a complete/full backup of your Exchange database files; and as a result you need enough storage space at your Primary Storage Group to accommodate the number of revisions that you have selected to retain.
If you create new Exchange mailbox stores, they are backed up automatically because each backup interacts with Exchange and learns the list of active mailbox stores.
If you perform a restore, the entire Exchange mailbox data is restored in its entirety to the point in time that you select for the restore.
Should you need to restore an individual mailbox, we have instructions on how you can do this based on the version of Exchange that you are running. Please contact Lockstep Systems' technical support department for more information.