The Backup for Workgroups Backup Client software comes with a Backup Options panel that allows you to control specific features of the backup process.
Check for Skipped Backup Runs
You can choose to ignore skipped backups or try to run them at another time. Two
(2) common causes of skipped backup runs occur when a backup is scheduled to run at a time when the computer is powered down or the Backup Client is not running. When the computer is powered down
or in sleep mode it cannot perform a backup, which will cause the backup to be
skipped. If you choose to enable the option to check for skipped backup
runs, then the next time the Backup Client starts it will check for recently
skipped backup runs. If it finds a backup that was recently scheduled and
skipped, the Backup Client will run the backup at the time it starts. Running backups at times other than the scheduled times may not be desirable.
If you do not want to have backups run at times other than the scheduled time you
can choose to not enable the check for skipped runs.
Prompt Before Running Backups
When it is time for a backup to run, the Backup Client can display a small
message informing you that a backup is about to start. When this message
appears, you can choose
to delay the backup or let it continue normally. This message is displayed
to all desktops on the computer. If you are backing up a terminal server,
you may not want to display this message to all logged in remote users. If
you choose to disable the prompt, the backup will occur without interacting with
the logged in users.
Alternative File Streams
When a hard drive is formatted using NTFS, Windows allows files to consist
of a primary data stream plus additional alternative streams. If you need
to backup the alternate data streams on files, enable this option.