Storage - Features
Use the Add, Modify, Replace, Delete and Priority
Up and Down buttons when managing your Backup Storage Group.
Add Storage
At any time, you can add more storage capacity to your
Backup Storage
Group. Please note that all storage devices within the Backup Storage
Group must be online and accessible for your backups to occur. When
you have more than one Backup Storage location contained in your Backup
Storage Group, your backup data will be stored on the locations in the order
they appear in the list. For example, backup files will be stored on
the first named location until that device is 75% full. Once the first
device is 75% full, the Backup Server will start to "span" or "spill" over
to the second named location. This will repeat until all named devices
are 75% full; when the new backup data will go to the device with the most
free space remaining until all locations are full.
You will need to use the Modify button accessible in the
Backup Storage
Group panel when a storage device IS NOT accessible. Two common
situations that may make a storage device inaccessible occur when: (a) a USB
device changes drive letters; and (b) a network share point experiences a
change in name. When you press the Modify button, a dialog appears
that allows you to change the name of the highlighted storage device.
the Replace function when you want to replace a storage device with a new one. When
replacing one storage location or device with another, all the data from the
old device is copied to the new device and when the copying process is
complete, the old device is no longer used by Backup for Workgroups.
When you are using the Replace function, you can choose to retain the old data
on the old device or instruct Backup for Workgroups to delete the backup
data before the storage location is removed from the Backup Storage Group.
Please note that when the Replace process is complete, you will have the same
number of storage devices as you started with. If you want to decrease
the number of storage devices, use the Delete feature as explained below.
Use this function when you want to reduce the number of storage
devices that are used to hold backup data. When deleting a storage
location, the backup data from one of your storage locations is copied to
another existing storage location first. Once this copying process is
complete, the old device is no longer used by Backup for Workgroups. When you are using the
Delete function, you can choose to retain the old
data on the old device or instruct Backup for Workgroups to delete the
backup data before the storage location is removed from the Backup Storage
Group. Please note that when the Delete process is complete, the
total number of storage devices in your Backup Storage Group is decreased
by one.
Priority Up /
Backup for Workgroups stores backup data to the devices listed in
your Backup Storage Group in the order in which they appear in the list.
Use the priority up and down buttons to organize the storage devices in the
order in which you want them used. For example, let's say you start
with an average storage device and over time you add a new, faster, larger
storage device. After you use the Add Storage button to add your new,
faster, larger storage device to the Backup Storage Group, you may want to
highlight the name of this device and then press Priority Up so Backup for
Workgroups uses this device first.